Live Preview Server for this website

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The content for this website is written in Djot, which is very readable, and therefore the write-edit-review cycle has been relatively easy for most articles. I have, recently, been working on a much longer article, and have found that somewhat more difficult to review and edit, partly because of the build cycle of the website.

The reason for this is that I have written this site such that all the content is compiled into the binary. This means that, when I want to see the content rendered, I have to rebuild the entire binary (which is quite slow). I did not intend to change this aspect for the finished artefact (it has some advantages), but for the authoring process, this would not do.

What I did want, however, was a small application to help with the authoring process: something which would render documents from disc (rather than having to be recompiled with the content embedded) and which would automatically reload when the document is updated.

The resulting application (preview) consists of a few different parts:

  1. A webserver to render the document as HTML (which can be loaded in a browser);
  2. A file-watcher to notify the application when the document is updated;
  3. A websockets server to tell the browser to reload;
  4. Some client code to trigger the browser reload.

Several of these parts need to communicate, which means they have to be running concurrently and safely passing messages around. Luckily Haskell has some nice language features and libraries for doing this easily.

Haskell’s concurrency model uses lightweight threads rather than OS threads (although you can use the latter if you need to) and the stm (software transactional memory) library provides some safe datatypes for talking between threads. This project used TMVars and TChans – the former is simply a container for some data, and the latter is a channel (the sort golang fans love to rave about) for passing messages between threads.

The entry-point

The Main module is quite simple (it’s only 25 lines) and it instantiates a channel for passing file updates from the file-watching thread to the websockets (“live-reload”) thread, parses command line options, and sets all the other threads running:

module Main where

import CommonPrelude
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, newTChan)
import GTF.LivePreview.LiveReload (runLivereloadServer, watchFiles)
import GTF.LivePreview.Options (Options (..), previewProgrammeDescr)
import GTF.LivePreview.PreviewServer (runPreviewServer)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Options.Applicative (execParser)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory)

main :: IO ()
main =
  atomically newTChan >>= \chan ->
    execParser previewProgrammeDescr >>= \(Options fpath dtype) ->
      doesFileExist fpath >>= \case
        True -> do
          _ <- forkIO $ watchFiles (takeDirectory fpath) chan
          _ <- forkIO $ runLivereloadServer chan
          run 8080 $ runPreviewServer dtype fpath
        False -> die $ "File not found: " <> fpath

The live-reload mechanism

The file-watching function watchFiles isn’t very interesting, it simply uses the fsnotify package and, when our file is updated, puts a message on the channel:

watchFiles dir chan = withManager $ \mgr -> do
  putStrLn $ "Watching " <> dir
  _ <- watchTree mgr dir eventFilter (atomically . writeTChan chan . LRUpdate . eventPath)
  forever $ threadDelay 1_000_000

The more interesting part is how we manage our websockets clients. The server itself uses the websockets package and, since the server is long-lived, but the clients are short-lived (as the client closes the connection every time the browser reloads, which happens whenever I save the document), I needed to make sure I was not going to accidentally send update messages to all the closed client connections.

This works by keeping a list of clients in a TMVar and listening for messages from the clients themselves. When the client closes the connection, we receive a control message telling us the client has closed the connection (which happens on browser reload). When receiving one of these messages, we update the state of the client in the client list to LRClosed, such that when an update message is sent, it is not be sent to this client.

liveReloadApp :: TMVar LRState -> WS.ServerApp
liveReloadApp state pending = do
  -- Accept the request automatically, we don't need to worry about
  -- authenticating clients.
  conn <- WS.acceptRequest pending
  -- Create a new client and add it to the clients list
  newClient <- atomically $ do
    clients <- takeTMVar state
    let maxId = Set.foldr (max . clientId) 0 clients
        newClient = LRClient (maxId + 1) conn LRConnected
    putTMVar state $ Set.insert newClient clients
    pure newClient
  -- Run a ping/pong to keep the client connection alive
  WS.withPingThread conn 30 (return ()) $ do
    -- Say "hello"
    WS.sendTextData conn (pack . show $ LRHello $ clientId newClient)
    -- And now listen for client messages (crucially a control message to close)
    forever $ waitForClose newClient >> threadDelay 100
  waitForClose :: LRClient -> IO ()
  waitForClose client = do
    WS.receive (clientConn client) >>= \case
      WS.ControlMessage (WS.Close{}) -> do
        putStrLn $ "Received close message for client#" <> show (clientId client)
        -- Update the clients list with the new client state
          $ takeTMVar state
          >>= putTMVar state
          . Set.insert (client{clientState = LRClosed})
          . Set.delete client
        -- We return 'mzero' to exit the 'forever' loop
      -- For other message types do nothing
      _ -> pure ()

This client management function is then used in the websockets server itself:

runLivereloadServer :: TChan LRMessage -> IO ()
runLivereloadServer updateChan = do
  -- Start with an empty list of clients in a 'TMVar'
  state <- newTMVarIO (mempty :: LRState)
  _ <-
    forkIO -- spool out a thread
      $ forever
      -- every time we get a message
      $ atomically (readTChan updateChan)
      >>= \case
        -- if it's a file-update message
        msg@(LRUpdate fp) -> do
          putStrLn $ "File updated: " <> fp
          -- get all the clients from the state and ...
          clients <- atomically $ readTMVar state
          flip mapConcurrently_ clients $ \client ->
            -- if a given client is "connected"
            when (clientState client == LRConnected)
              -- then we send an update to it
              $ WS.sendTextData (clientConn client) (pack . show $ msg)
              >> putStrLn ("Sending update to client#" <> show (clientId client))
        msg -> putStrLn $ "Channel update: " <> show msg
  WS.runServer "" 8081 $ liveReloadApp state

The client code for handling all this is very simple, using the WebSockets API:

function doReload () {

function connectWS () {
  const i = document.querySelector("\#lr-indicator");

  const setIndicator = (state) => {
    if(i !== null) {
      switch(state) {
        case 1:
          i.innerHTML = "waiting for connection";
        case 2:
          i.innerHTML = "connected";
        case 3:
          i.innerHTML = "reloading...";
          i.innerHTML = "unknown state!";


  const ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
  ws.addEventListener("open", () => {
    console.log("LR: Connected");
  ws.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
    console.log("LR: Received: ",;
    if("LRUpdate")) {
      setTimeout(doReload, 100);


The preview server

The client code above is embedded in a simple WAI application which loads the file and renders it. The web application itself is not very interesting (although it is made much nicer by having Lucid and Clay for constructing HTML and CSS, respectively), but the way files are rendered (which is the same way they are handled in the website binary itself) is a bit more fun.

Since I have different types of content (e.g. “musings” and “projects”), I want to have different types of metadata with them (and different ways of rendering them). To do that, we have a polymorphic ParsedDoc a type, which takes some sort of document metadata DocMeta a and then the document itself parsed by the djoths package:

class (Lift (DocMeta a), FromJSON (DocMeta a)) => ContentDoc a where
  data DocMeta a

data ParsedDoc a = ParsedDoc
  { meta :: DocMeta a
  , doc :: Doc

This means that we can generically parse these documents by just specifying the “type” in our webserver:

-- From GTF.Content.Doc
parseContentDoc ::
  (ContentDoc a, FromJSON (DocMeta a)) =>
  ByteString ->
  Either DocParseFailure (ParsedDoc a)
parseContentDoc input = do
  (meta, rawDoc) <- first MetadataParseFailure $ parseMeta input
  -- parseDoc is from "Djot"
  processedDoc <- first (DocumentParseFailure . pack) $ parseDoc (ParseOptions BlockSourcePos) rawDoc
  pure $ ParsedDoc meta processedDoc

-- From GTF.Content.Loader
loadFile ::
  (MonadIO m) => (ContentDoc a) => Proxy a -> FilePath -> ExceptT FileLoadError m (ParsedDoc a)
loadFile _ fname = do
  path <- liftIO $ getDataFileName fname
  ExceptT $ liftIO (doesFileExist path) >>= \case
    False -> pure . Left $ FileNotFound fname
    True ->
      liftIO (try $ readFile path) <&> (first FileReadError >=> first FileParseError . parseContentDoc)

-- In our webserver
renderFile :: forall m. (MonadIO m) => DocType -> FilePath -> ExceptT FileLoadError m (Html ())
renderFile MusingDoc filename = loadFile (Proxy @Musing) filename >>= makeHtml
  makeHtml :: ParsedDoc Musing -> ExceptT FileLoadError m (Html ())
  makeHtml doc = ExceptT $ return . Right $ layout filename $ renderMusingContent doc
renderFile ProjectDoc filename = loadFile (Proxy @Project) filename >>= makeHtml
  makeHtml :: ParsedDoc Project -> ExceptT FileLoadError m (Html ())
  makeHtml doc = ExceptT $ return . Right $ layout filename $ renderProjectContent doc

As an aside: the normal webserver binary includes the files via a template-haskell splice:

loadFiles ::
  forall m a.
  (MonadIO m) =>
  (ContentDoc a) =>
  Proxy a ->
  FilePath ->
  (FilePath -> Bool) ->
  ExceptT DocParseFailure m [(FilePath, ParsedDoc a)]
loadFiles _ dir fileFilter = do
  files <- filter fileFilter <$> liftIO (listWholeDirectory dir)
  traverse loadAndParse files
  loadAndParse :: FilePath -> ExceptT DocParseFailure m (FilePath, ParsedDoc a)
  loadAndParse fp = (fp,) <$> ExceptT (liftIO (readFile fp) <&> parseContentDoc)

loadFilesTH :: (ContentDoc a) => Proxy a -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> Q Exp
loadFilesTH p dir fileFilter =
  runIO (runExceptT $ loadFiles p dir fileFilter) >>= \case
    Left err -> fail $ "Unable to load content files: " <> show err
    Right docs ->
      -- if we don't use 'addDependentFile' then cabal doesn't know when to rebuild
      ListE <$> mapM (\(fp, d) -> addDependentFile fp >> lift d) docs

-- This is then used, for example, in GTF.Pages.Musings as follows:
musings :: [ParsedDoc Musing]
musings =
    (Down . created . meta)
    $(loadFilesTH (Proxy @Musing) "src/GTF/Pages/Musings/content" isDjot)

Using it

This has made authoring content far nicer as I neither have to wait for the entire application to rebuild to see my changes, nor have to review text in djot, but instead I can see it nicely rendered in HTML.

cabal run -- -t project --file ./src/GTF/Pages/Projects/content/live-preview-server.djot


The most fun part of this project really was playing with the concurrency aspect and finding out that the websockets API was actually trivially easy to use (the last time I tried I was faffing around with about 8 years ago). Now maybe I can get back to that really very long article…